Monday, February 8, 2016


The universe is vibrational in nature.  It consists entirely of patterns of energy.  There is nothing “solid” about the physical world that we perceive.  The three dimensional world is the major hat trick of our brains.  The solid world exists only in our perceptions.

Our brains, the most powerful computers in the known universe, interpret the vibrational inputs of our senses, edit them into a plausible theory and feed them back to us.  What we experience is a seamless, 360 degree, surround sound, smellavision, feely world.  It is the best virtual reality experience known to humans.

When we delve into physics, we find that the atom that we once visualized as a miniature solar system of tiny discrete BBs whizzing about in concentric orbits in empty space has been reconceptualized.  It is now seen as an arrangement of energy packets called quanta.  The subatomic particle has morphed into a probability wave.  What we are left with is patterns of energy in vast spaces.  And, we don’t know what energy is.

This is how something as insubstantial as a thought can have the power to affect the “solid” physical world?  A thought is patterned energy.  It interacts with the patterned energy of the “world”.  In a nutshell, this is how thoughts become things.

And, people generate thoughts.


  1. As usual you have cut to the heart of things.

  2. Yet I still refuse to mistrust my senses.
    The very senses that are controlled by the most powerful computer in the world made of the same patterns of energy that it perceives. Solidity must be in some way TRUE or my powerful senses are only a source of confusion and not enlightenment.
    I don't mean true in some vague etheric sense but true in a way that accepts the vibrational patterns of solidity as one expression of true existence and true perception.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There is only solidity.
    Solidity created by consciousness.
    It may be that we don't perceive things at at all and no virtual reality contortions are neccicary because we create the waveform in solidity patterns with every breath.
    Or maybe we participate in maintaining an already existent thought form created by consciousness. Rather than being insubstantial , maybe thought and consciousness
    Are the only existant with substance and that substance can participate in the multiplicity of solidity or insubstantiality .

    1. The reality that I perceive is so magnificent, masterful and compelling That I have trouble believing that it is not the same reality known by everyone, that it is not universal. The only reason for looking behind the veil of appearances is to glimpse our true nature as creators. We are making it all up.

      That being said, we are able to realize that the wonderful worlds that we all inhabit are our own individual creations. We can grasp how they could be as different from each other as each human is different from all other humans. And we can begin to see how our worlds could be malleable to our will, like clay in our hands.

      This is tremendously freeing to us as beings. We can honor our own creations. We can realize that our fellow humans each has the joy and responsibility of creating their own world for which we are not responsible. We can recognize that we have within us the power to change anything we don't like in our world. And, finally we can know that we are not subject to the whims of others unless we choose to be.

      For myself , I glory in the physicality of my world. Besides being human, I am a sculptor after all.

  5. So true, as the myriad of spiritual teachers have explained each in their own way. Now, gratefully, the world's consciousness has taken a huge leap to allow this to be more "understandable". Hurray!

  6. Many people share the world I live in.
    They fall when they trip over a step so I can tell they are effected by gravity.
    That seems to be the same world of solidity. What is it that others are creating that is so different.? Are you saying that others create a world with no gravity?

  7. Gravity can be part of the consensual reality that I mentioned in another comment. We can agree with each other about elements of our reality, like gravity, as much as we want. Then those elements are part of our personal reality but only because we have chosen them.

  8. Consensus Reality !
    Does that mean that my reality merges with the reality of others?
    Are all of those in my reality in agreement?
    How many agreements does it take to build the structure of existence?
    Do all these agreements exert a vibratory effort on my own agreement.?
    How do we exert effort to change our agreements?
    How to we exert effort to change our agreements?
    Why is it so difficult to not agree with gravity?

    1. All of the others in your experience share basic assumptions with you. Otherwise, they would not show up in your world.

      Effort is not required to change any of our agreements, only vision. The way I see the world (in other words, what I expect it to be) is what sets up the game with all of the appropriate rules in place. If, by some chance, I suddenly see the world differently, if my expectations change, my world will be different from that moment on. This is unusual. It requires an epiphany, a shift in consciousness, to make it happen. This is rare but it does happen.

      If you and I did not share basic assumptions about the nature of reality, we would not appear in each other's worlds. Having said that, I can see that we do not agree about some things. It seems to me that the world you see is "out there" with a free-standing reality that is independent of you and your perception of it. The world that I see is "in here" and I am responsible for it. We may not be able to bring our opinions about reality into agreement. We may have to agree to disagree about this. This doesn't take anything away from the many things that we do share.
