Friday, December 30, 2016


Awareness is the flashlight beam of attention.  Some people are penlights held close to a surface.  Their world is small and bright.  Other people are large flashlights whose beam covers a bigger area.  Some are spotlights who light up huge fields.  In each case, the area that is lighted is the world that particular individual lives in.

The size of our flashlight depends on what we pay attention to.  If I am a penlight that is curious to see more, I can pull back from the surface and light up a bigger spot.  I can keep backing up to see more, more and more.  My curiosity will cause my beam to grow and, without noticing it, I will become a bigger flashlight living in a bigger world.

This is all about what I pay attention to and how much attention I pay to it.  If my attention is diluted or clouded, I can’t see as well and my world gets smaller.  I am living in a fog.

Our media provide the fog by overstimulating and misdirecting our attention.  Our media provide the noise that blocks the signal of our clarity.  This noise can overwhelm the signal.  We can become confused.  We can become lost.

Fortunately, we have remedies to this confusion. 

We need to get quiet.  Inwardly, we can bring our attention the here and now with meditation and mindfulness.  Outwardly, we can turn off the TV and radio and put down our cell phones.

The noise has an on/off switch.  Use it.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Thoughts are like birds that fly through the sky of our attention.  Some may sit on a wire and hang around for a while if you pay attention to them.  Otherwise, they simply fly by.  One thought follows another. 

What you pay attention to is the key.  You have control over what you do, or don’t, pay attention to.

Some thoughts are sticky and hard to let go of.  They have aroused an emotional response in you.  In other words, you can feel them.  If you have gotten stuck to a bad-feeling thought by paying attention to it, it can be hard to shake.  You do have a choice, though.  You can change the subject.

Choose a good feeling thought.  Since you can’t really think more than one thought at a time, the new, better feeling thought, will push the bad-feeling thought aside.  You can replace your thoughts as often as you wish.  Change the subject until you find a really good-feeling thought and stick with it.  This is just as arbitrary and artificial as it sounds, but it works.

Good feeling thoughts are the ones that are consistent with your highest good in some way.  That’s why they feel good.  Concentrating on them will bring positive experiences into your life.  This is automatic.  You don’t have to think about it.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Immersed as we are in the familiar routines of ordinary life, it is easy for us to lose the sense of wonder that we had as children.  Each fresh morning is a new birth filled with bright possibilities.
I ask myself, will I make my day a rerun of my yesterdays?  Or, will I see, with clean sight, the chances that are open to me?   Will I see the possibilities?

If yesterday was delicious, I might follow a similar path and set up a version of yesterday that I can enjoy today.  But, I don’t need to be locked into a version of yesterday unless I want to be.  I might have commitments like a job or family ties that seen to lay out the skeleton of my day but the flesh of it, the tone of it, the flavor of it, comes out of my attitudes and expectations.  I get to choose those.

It’s all about choice and choice is about thoughts.  One important thing about thoughts is that I can change them.  They are more or less under my control.  I can contradict a bad-feeling thought by internally changing the subject or I can reward a good-feeling thought by paying attention to it and approving of it.  I need to be noticing what I’m feeling/thinking to be able to do this.  The key is attention.  I need to be focused.  That means that I need to be awake to my feelings in the moment. 

It is true that one thought leads to another.  It is also true that any thought will lead to another that is like itself.  I can enjoy an ascending series of good-feeling thoughts or a descending cascade of miseries depending on my starting thought and my reaction to it. That’s my choice.

Every moment can be a new start.

The best place to start is with gratitude.  If I begin my fresh new moment by saying and feeling “thank you” for good things in my life, I will kick off a positive chain reaction.  This attention to good things will allow me to notice other good-feeling opportunities that I can act on to keep my energy flowing in the right direction.

The better it gets, the better it can get.  The opposite is also true.

We are all chain-thinkers.  We run on habit.  If we take the trouble to redirect our thoughts toward good-feeling ones enough times, this pattern will become our habit.

While our best alternative is to be alert, alive and fully present in every moment, the habit of choosing good-feeling thoughts is a pretty good second choice.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Love and fear are the opposite ends of the scale of emotions that bounds human life.  You could call these ends open and closed or expansion and contraction. You could call them pleasure and pain or joy and despair.  You could call them heaven and hell.  You could call them life and death.

Our lives are lived at different points along that continuum.  We can shift our position on the scale, but, being creatures of habit, we commonly gravitate toward a spot on the scale that becomes our comfort zone.  We can hover at the top of the range at joy, passion, enthusiasm, at the bottom of the range at fear, depression, despair or somewhere in the middle at pessimism, frustration, disappointment.

Our habitual territory on the scale, our comfort zone, determines our experience of life.  Some people feel a lot of anxiety if they are not miserable so a happy experience that they have accidentally let in will have to be promptly squelched.  It’s too uncomfortable and threatening.  They fear that something really terrible will happen to them if they dare to feel too much pleasure or if they dare to hope for anything better than their usual flavor.  You have probably met people like this.  Maybe you are one of them yourself.  It’s a popular stance in our culture, a kind of world-weariness that passes for sophistication and wisdom.  There is a lot of it going around.

Just remember that it’s a choice.  You can be “cool”, miserable and self-defeating or you can reach for the stars and be joyful, loving and enthusiastic.  It starts in the privacy of your own mind so no one has to know about it.  Then, when good things start showing up in your life, people who notice will just think that you are “lucky”.  You never have to fess up to being a positive attractor of good things.  It can just be your little secret.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


In the “developed” world the surface of life is changing at a furious rate.  New ideas, technologies, inventions, products and behaviors crash over us and suck us powerfully into an ocean of novelty.  We can hardly get our collective breath.  And, the rate of change is accelerating.  Our video game has been speeded up to such an extent that the images are beginning to blur.  Human generations can hardly find a common language to use to connect with each other as they are immersed in technologies whose generations are unfolding in months rather than decades.  We are dancing faster and faster.

We think this must be progress.  There are so many good things wrapped up in it.  If we are among the winners, we live longer, most of our children get to grow up and we live abundant, easy lives.  If anything, we have too much of everything.  We are fat and we suffer from the diseases of wealth.

Sure, we work longer hours for fewer dollars and live from paycheck to paycheck and feel no security.  We are contract or temporary workers.  We live with anxiety.  Our intimate relationships, if we have any, are strained.  We live in “starter houses” with “starter mates”. Marriages have become revolving doors.  We expect to “upgrade” several times in life.  Computers, phones, cars, houses, locations, jobs, spouses and the myriad of things that we fill our lives with are all up for grabs.  Easy come, easy go.

But, Homo Sapiens is physically, biochemically and emotionally the same creature that lived as a hunter/gatherer on the African savanna all of those ages ago.  We have conquered our planet and climbed to the top of the food chain, leaving a huge swath of extinctions of fellow creatures in our path.  Now, we are flirting with our own extinction and looking for ways to escape the rock that we have long called home.

It doesn’t have to be this way, people.  We don’t need to be this way.  We need to change, deeply, inwardly.  I am here to tell you that we can do that.  Let’s start now.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


The world that we live in is a reflection of our deeply held beliefs.  It is our mirror.  If we don’t like what we see in the mirror, we need to change the self that is being reflected.  The part of that self that needs to be changed is our beliefs, those things that we “know” to be true about the world, those things that we expect, our foundational thoughts about reality, our programs.

Beliefs are thoughts that we keep on thinking.  They are habits of thought.  That’s all they are.

We can choose our thoughts.  We can say, “no” to a thought and replace it with one that feels better.  And gradually, gradually, with enough repetition, we can install new mental habits.  Then we will have changed our beliefs.  Our world will then mirror those new beliefs.  We will then have changed the world.

The old saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Is backwards.  The truth is, “I’ll see it when I believe it.”

Every belief is a self-fulfilling prophesy.  You will invariably find what you expect to find in the world.  Changing your expectation is the key to finding something new in your world.

DO try this at home.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Being present in your own life is the same as being fully alive.  It seems silly to even say that.  We all think that we are present in our lives all of the time, at least during waking hours.

The truth is that we are mostly running on habit, conditioned behavior.  Or, we are daydreaming, lost in memories of a past that does not exist or projecting futures that also do not exist.  While we are busy doing these things, we are absent to the present moment which is the only time that does exist.  It is only in this moment that we are alive.  Most of us spend most of our time not being alive and we don’t even notice.

What to do?

Control of attention is the key.  If I can purposely pay attention to exactly what my senses are reporting and to what emotions I am feeling, I am here, now.  It takes effort to do this.  So, at first, it will seem like a lot of trouble to stay present.  My attention may wander back into habitual tracks.  When I notice this, I’ll refocus my attention back in the moment.  It’s a little tug-of-war that I play with myself.  It’s good to keep a sense of humor about this.  If I persist long enough, I will notice something interesting.  I will begin to habitually focus my attention on the present.

What a weird idea!  Habitually being alive!  I’ll settle for that.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


We are constantly making decisions in our everyday life.  Most of these decisions are so minor and routine that we don’t even notice that we are making them.  This is where habits are useful.  We can run on automatic pilot, making predetermined moves, without giving them any thought.  That’s pretty efficient.  It saves time, energy and headspace.  We don’t really have to pay attention.

The downside of not paying attention, of being unaware, is that AWARENESS EQUALS LIFE.  When we are not aware, we are not really present and not really alive.  So, it’s a good idea to control the amount of automatic behavior that we allow into our days.  We need attention breaks when we pull our heads out of the haze of habit and become fully present.  You probably have favorite ways to come into the present. Most of us do.  We just have to remember to use them.

The bigger decisions in life, the ones that directly bear on our happiness and wellbeing, can be harder to make.  The rational mind is not much help.  It’s too easy to get into a “On the one hand” and “On the other hand” debate in your mind and get stuck there. 

Conventional wisdom tells us you should “follow your heart”.  That’s good advice but what does it mean?  I think it means that I should pay attention to my emotions.

Emotions have gotten a bad rap.  They are sometimes thought of as trivial, petty, irrational and undependable.  They can be all of that if we don’t know how to use them.

Emotions are precise tools.  They are the responses of my wiser self to the exact thought that I am thinking at any moment.  Good feeling emotions indicate that my current thought is in agreement with my best interests.  Bad feeling emotions indicate that my current thought is in conflict with my best interests.  My emotions are an internal compass that allows me to steer my life toward happiness and fulfillment.

I steer by choosing thoughts that feel good when I think them.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Unlike many other creatures, humans come with very little in the way of hard-wired behaviors.  Rather than being guided by instinct, we humans rely on learned behaviors and we learn those behaviors from other humans.  This process begins in utero and continues throughout life.  Most of our core ideas are laid down before the age of six when we begin to develop critical thought.  So, who we are today mirrors the psyches of influential people that we met as babies.  Our assumptions about the world were installed then.  Being assumptions, they are invisible to us but they run our behaviors just the same.

When I look back at my life, I see some repeating patterns that I don’t like.  I’d like to change them.  I know that deeply held beliefs control my thinking, choices and behavior.  The problem is that these beliefs are unconscious.  They were laid down while I was unaware and incapable of individual choice.  They are invisible to me.

I’ve learned a way to surface these beliefs.  I bring a pattern of outcomes to mind, like my tendency to keep myself financially minimized, and I ask the question, “What would a person have to believe to get this outcome?” Then, I start to imagine possible answers to my question until I sense that I am getting close to the truth.  This is all theoretical but it can get me to the point where I can begin to install remedies to those undesirable beliefs and change my outcomes.

Sometimes, awareness alone is enough to pop these beliefs.  When the infantile thought meets the light of day it may be so out-of-sync with my adult self that it is laughed off the stage.

Monday, February 8, 2016


The universe is vibrational in nature.  It consists entirely of patterns of energy.  There is nothing “solid” about the physical world that we perceive.  The three dimensional world is the major hat trick of our brains.  The solid world exists only in our perceptions.

Our brains, the most powerful computers in the known universe, interpret the vibrational inputs of our senses, edit them into a plausible theory and feed them back to us.  What we experience is a seamless, 360 degree, surround sound, smellavision, feely world.  It is the best virtual reality experience known to humans.

When we delve into physics, we find that the atom that we once visualized as a miniature solar system of tiny discrete BBs whizzing about in concentric orbits in empty space has been reconceptualized.  It is now seen as an arrangement of energy packets called quanta.  The subatomic particle has morphed into a probability wave.  What we are left with is patterns of energy in vast spaces.  And, we don’t know what energy is.

This is how something as insubstantial as a thought can have the power to affect the “solid” physical world?  A thought is patterned energy.  It interacts with the patterned energy of the “world”.  In a nutshell, this is how thoughts become things.

And, people generate thoughts.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Didja notice that the world is pretty much what you expect it to be?  You’ve got it figured out.  What you believe about people and the world gets proven correct all the time with few surprises.  That’s how you know you’re right.  The proof is right there in front of you, as clear as the nose on your face.

The guy in the next box sees the world in a whole different way than you do.  His experiences fit what he expects, too.  So he’s right, just like you’re right.  And, he’s just as sure as you are.

The woman two boxes down lives in a world quite a bit different from the ones that either of you two guys live in.  Everything she knows proves that she is right about the world, too, just as right as you are.

Check in with the folks in row after row of boxes.  Every single one has a different idea about what’s real, about what’s true, and some of those ideas are quite a bit different from each other.

What gives?  Are we talking about the same world here?  Are some people crazy and others sane?

No, everybody is just as sane as everybody else.  And, no, we are not talking about the same world.  We think we share a world but we don’t.

Each one of us lives in a personal world which is a box built of beliefs about what is real.  Those beliefs are the floor, walls and ceiling of the mirrored box that we have built for ourselves to live in.  In infinite regression, our own face is mirrored back to us from all directions until the lights go out.

We are all right, about everything, all of the time.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


We are all works in progress.  We came to the planet ready to learn the ways of life on Earth and to master them.  We came to find our unique path and to have fun doing it.

Happiness is our universal goal, no matter what flavor “happiness” is for us as individuals.
Every choice we make in the daily-ness of our lives is made because we think that it will help us to feel better, to be happier.

There is a lot to learn and to experience and there is no operator’s manual for life.  We humans have an advantage, though.  We do not have to do it alone. We do not have to make every single mistake ourselves.  We can share and learn from each other.

It is in the spirit of camaraderie, cooperation and mutual aid as fellow life adventurers that I have created this blog in hopes of finding kindred spirits.  What do you say?

Joe Mendla